This is the story of Rana Abdelhamid, a human rights organizer, entrepreneur, martial artist, and the ultimate community builder. 

In this episode we discuss:

  • Rana’s ordeal as a child as she became the victim of a hate crime

  • How Rana at 16 years old used her experience to aid her in creating a movement supporting women’s empowerment through self-defense, entrepreneurship, and training

  • How her non-profit organization Malikah has now trained more than 20,000 women and girls from 20 cities globally using her four primary pillars

  • Balancing Malikah and a full-time job at Google where Rana is actively involved in their diversity and inclusion programs

Learn more and follow Malikah here:

Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

I would also recommend listening to Rana’s Ted Talk: Finding Our Power.

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Thanks for listening - Yinh

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Rana Abdelhamid

Holly Mandel


Keren Eldad